
Research, innovation and extension are the focus areas of the Institution’s academic endeavors. The College supports the Teachers to undertake doctoral/post doctoral studies and publish quality research publications. Two Teachers of the College have patented their invention successfully.

Title of paperName of the author/sDepartment of the teacherName of journalYear of publicationISSN number
Slavery, suffering and violence in toni morrison’s novelsDr. Aaradhana GoswamiEnglishResearch Link20170973-1628
Higher Education in : Hindrances and measures to overcome thoseDr. Aaradhana GoswamiEnglishJournal of humanities and culture20172393-8285
Synthesis, characterization, and screening for analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of Schiff bases of 1,3,4-oxadiazoles linked with quinazolin-4-oneDr. Dhansay DewanganChemistryJournal of Heterocyclic Chemistry20171943-5193
fpjfejh dks;yk [knku Jfedksa dks izkIr vkoklh; lqfo/kk ,d v/;;uDr. Rajani SethiaEconomicsResearch Link Monthly20170973-1628
nhu n;ky mik/;k; dk vkfFkZd fparu ,oa bldh izklafxdrkDr. Rajani SethiaEconomicsAsian Journal of Advance Study20172395-4965
dks;yk [kku Jfedksa dh vki ,oa miHkksx izo`fRr dk fo’ys”k.kkRed v/;;u&fpjfejh dks;yk {ks= ds fo’ks”k lanHkZ esaDr. Rajani SethiaEconomicsResearch Digest20170973-6387
vkpk;Z gtkjh izlkn f}osnh ds miU;klksa esa bfrgkl cks/k dk Lo:iMk- jke fdadj ik.Ms;fgUnhfgUnh vuq’khyu20182249-930 X
Stigma of slavery and racial identityDr. Aaradhana GoswamiEnglishJodhpur Studies in English20180970-843x
Synthesis and Characterization of Quinoxaline Derivatives as a Potent Antimicrobial AgentDr. Dhansay DewanganChemistryJournal of Heterocyclic Chemistry20181943-5193
Synthesis and molecular docking study of novel hybrids of 1,3,4-oxadiazoles and quinoxaline as a potential analgesic and anti-inflammatory agentsDr. Dhansay DewanganChemistryJournal of Heterocyclic Chemistry20181943-5193
Synthesis, Characterization, Molecular Modeling and Biological Evaluation of 1,2,4-Triazole- Pyridine Hybrids As Potential Antimicrobial AgentsDr. Dhansay DewanganChemistryJournal of Heterocyclic Chemistry20181943-5193
21oha lnh ,oa efgyk l’kfDrdj.kDr. Rajani SethiaEconomicsAsian Journal of Advance Study20182395-4965
dks;yk [kku Jfedksa dh vkfFkZd fLFkfr ,d v/;;uDr. Rajani SethiaEconomicsResearch Analysis & Evaluation20180975-3486
fgUnh dgkuh% ijEijk vkSj i`”BhkwfeMk- jke fdadj ik.Ms;fgUnh‘kks/k lan’kZ20192319-5908
rhljh dle% vuqBh izsedFkkMk- jke fdadj ik.Ms;fgUnhfgUnh vuq’khyu20192249-930 X
oSf’od ifjn`’; esa fgUnh dk Lo:iMk- jke fdadj ik.Ms;fgUnhfgEkkatfy20192949-4905
Analgesic and anti-inflammatory potential of merged pharmacophore contaning1,2,4-triazoles and substituted benzyl groups via thio linkageDr. Dhansay DewanganChemistryJournal of Heterocyclic Chemistry20191943-5193
Je laxBuksa dh Hkwfedk] fpjfejh dks;yk {ks= ds lanHkZ esaDr. Rajani SethiaEconomicsv;u~20192347-4451
Hkkjrh; Lora=rk la?k”kZ vkSj egkRek xka/kh dh i=dkfjrkMk- jke fdadj ik.Ms;fgUnhfgUnh vuq’khyu20202249-930 X
t;’kadj izlkn d`r dadky dk vuq’khyuMk- jke fdadj ik.Ms;fgUnhvuqla/kku20202249-9318
vk/kqfud fgUnh dfork% izkjaHk ,oa ijorhZ fodklMk- jke fdadj ik.Ms;fgUnh‘kks/k lfjrk20202348-2397
Emergence of new woman and her challenges in Shashi Deshpande’s novelsDr. Aaradhana GoswamiEnglishJournal of literature, culture and media studies20200974-7192
Emergence of new woman and her challenges in shashi deshpande’s novels.Dr Aradhana GoswamiEnglishJournal of Literature , culture and media studies2020ISSN-0974-7192. VOL.IX
Association of solar flux (2800 MHz) & cosmic ray intensity for solar cycle 22 and 23Mr. S.C.ChaturvediPhysicsInternational journal of Physics and Application2020ISSN: 2664-7583
Correlative of Geomagnetic Field with Solar Parameters during 2008-2020Mr. S.C.ChaturvediPhysicsInternational Journal of Adavances in Engineering and Management2020ISSN: 2395-5252
PPAR gamma targeted molecular docking and synthesis of some new amide and urea substituted 1, 3, 4‐thiadiazole derivative as antidiabetic compoundDr. Dhansay DewanganChemistryJournal of Heterocyclic Chemistry20201943-5193
nksigj dk Hkkstu% e/;oxhZ; thou dk ;FkkFkZMk- jke fdadj ik.Ms;fgUnh‘kks/k l`tu2021Nil
jke ujs’k f=ikBh dk dkO; oSfo/;Mk- jke fdadj ik.Ms;fgUnh‘kks/k l`tu2021Nil
foLFkkiu dh =kklnh dk egko`Rrkar% MwcMk- jke fdadj ik.Ms;fgUnh‘kks/k lapkj cqysfVu20212229-3620
ubZ dgkuh vkanksyu ds var% lw=ksa dh iM+rkyMk- jke fdadj ik.Ms;fgUnh‘kks/k /kkjk20210975-3664
/keZohj Hkkjrh dk lkfgR; fparuMk- jke fdadj ik.Ms;fgUnh‘kks/k fn’kk20210975-735 X
Hkh”e lkguh dk vkSiU;kfld vonkuMk- jke fdadj ik.Ms;fgUnhlelkef;d l`tu20212320-5733
eqfDr cks/k dh dgkfu;kW% oSpkkfjd ds dysoj esa vk[;kkuMk- jke fdadj ik.Ms;fgUnhlelkef;d l`tu20212320-5733
fgUnh dFkk lkfgR; vkSj vkykspuk% fo/kkRed Lo:i dh igpkuMk- jke fdadj ik.Ms;fgUnh‘kks/k fn’kk20210975-735 X
jk”Vªh; psruk ds iz[kj laokgd eSfFkyh’kj.k xqIrMk- jke fdadj ik.Ms;fgUnhlelkef;d l`tu20212320-5733
Race and gender marginalization in Toni Morrison’s the bluest eyeDr. Aaradhana GoswamiEnglishJournal of literature, culture and media studies20210974-7192
Study of effect of Mangenetic Clouds Geomagnetic Indices during period 2007Mr. S.C.ChaturvediPhysicsAsian basic and applied research journal2021ISSN: 168-171
Correlative Study of Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) with Solar Indices during period 2008-2020Mr. S.C.ChaturvediPhysicsIndian journal of research2021ISSN: 2250-1991
The Solar-Terrestrial Links and Energy Transfer Mechanism in Recurrent and Non-recurrent Geomagnetic Activities and Impacts of Solar Plasma on Earth’sMr. S.C.ChaturvediPhysicsInternational Journal of Research in Engineering and Science2021ISSN: 2320-9364
The geomagnetic field variations Morphology of Geomagnetic Storms and distribution of Plasma in the MagnetosphereMr. S.C.ChaturvediPhysicsInternational Journal of Creative Research Thoughts2021ISSN: 2320-2882
Synthesis, Molecular Docking, and Biological Evaluation of Schiff Base Hybrids of 1,2,4-Triazole-Pyridine as Dihydrofolate Reductase InhibitorsDr. Dhansay DewanganChemistryCurrent Research in Pharmacology and Drug Discovery20212590-2571
Impact of labour welfare practices on employees’ satisfactionDr. Ashish Kumar PandeyCommerceShodh Sarita2021ISSN: 2348-2397
Human Rights in India: The Constitutional FrameworkDr. Ashish Kumar PandeyCommerceJICR Journal2021ISSN: 0022-1945
HkfDr vkanksyu esa ejkBh ,oa xqtjkrh larks dk izns;Mk- jke fdadj ik.Ms;fgUnh‘kks/k fn’kk20220975-735 X
“Unheard voices of tribal women in India”Dr Aradhana GoswamiEnglishJournal for social reality2022ISSN – 2349-9710

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