The Department of Physics was founded in the session 1953 as a consequence of the establishment of science faculty in this prestigious college. This Department happens to be the oldest Department of the College. Courses introduced under the U.G. Programs are: Mechanics, Electrodynamics, Light, Thermodynamics, Quantum and Electronics.
FACILITIES: – The Department have 2 UG Labs, One of them for Mechanics and Electronics and another is Dark room for Light Apparatus. The Physics Lab facilitated with Computer, Scanners, LCD projector etc. And internet broad band connection is also available in the department. There is a good departmental library full of approximately 50 books on Physics.
Significant Activities:- The department of Physics inculcate the conduction of Seminars, IQ tests and Intra/Inter departmental practices besides the regular scheduled practical work. The unit exams, quarterly and half yearly exams, as well as the model exams, are held in attempt to preparation and improvisation of the students in their University exams.
The department had organized the one day National Seminar in 2020 on “Recent Trends in Physical Science”, & one week Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “ICT Based Teaching-Learning Practices in Higher Education” in which the renowned Scientists, Professors and Scholars of National and International fame had participated. The Seminar was conducted by The Head of the Department, Mr. S.C. Chaturvedi as the Convenior. The IQAC Coordinator , Mr. S.C. Chaturvedi has the credit of completion of SSR of the College.
Faculty Member’s Name:-
1. Mr. Subhash Chandra Chaturvedi (Assistant Prof. and Head), M.Sc. M.Phil
Support Staff: –
Mr. Umesh Kumar (Lab Technician)
Number of Teaching Post:-
Sanctioned |
Filled |
Vacant |
Remark |
Professor |
00 |
00 |
00 |
— |
Associate Professor |
00 |
00 |
00 |
— |
Assistant Professor |
01 |
01 |
00 |
— |
Research Publications by Faculty:-
Title of paper |
Name of the author/s |
Name of journal |
Year of publication |
ISSN number |
Correlative of Geomagnetic Field with Solar Parameters during 2008-2020 |
Mr. S.C.Chaturvedi |
International Journal of Adavances in Engineering and Management |
2020 |
ISSN: 2395-5252 |
Study of effect of Mangenetic Clouds Geomagnetic Indices during period 2007 |
Mr. S.C.Chaturvedi |
Asian basic and applied research journal |
2021 |
ISSN: 168-171 |
Correlative Study of Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) with Solar Indices during period 2008-2020 |
Mr. S.C.Chaturvedi |
Indian journal of research |
2021 |
ISSN: 2250-1991 |
The Solar-Terrestrial Links and Energy Transfer Mechanism in Recurrent and Non-recurrent Geomagnetic Activities and Impacts of Solar Plasma on Earth’s |
Mr. S.C.Chaturvedi |
International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science |
2021 |
ISSN: 2320-9364 |
The geomagnetic field variations Morphology of Geomagnetic Storms and distribution of Plasma in the Magnetosphere |
Mr. S.C.Chaturvedi |
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts |
2021 |
ISSN: 2320-2882 |